
Income Tax


The New York Division of Tax Appeals recently ruled in favor of a taxpayer, E. & J. Gallo Winery, holding that it met the statutory requirements of a “Qualified New York Manufacturer” (“QNYM”) and was therefore entitled to a reduced corporation franchise tax rate. As a result of New York’s corporate tax reform, QNYMs are entitled to a reduced tax rate, including a 0% tax rate on their business income base beginning in 2014, for…

On September 8, 2022, the Louisiana Board of Tax Appeals (“Board”) granted a taxpayer’s motion for summary judgment in a case involving whether the taxpayer qualified as a manufacturer for purposes of Louisiana’s apportionment provisions.  Cervey LLC, f/k/a New – Tech Computer Systems LLC v. Secretary of Department of Revenue, Louisiana, La. BTA Docket No. 12272D (Sept. 8, 2022). The taxpayer’s business consisted primarily of three types of software: (1) software for maintaining health records…

New Jersey is the latest state to unveil a voluntary initiative to examine transfer pricing for taxpayers with intercompany transactions.  The initiative is similar to recent programs in North Carolina, Indiana, and Louisiana (see our prior coverage here and here, as well as our prior coverage of the Multistate Tax Commission’s ongoing transfer pricing collaboration and enforcement initiatives). The New Jersey Division of Taxation published guidance outlining the voluntary transfer pricing initiative last week (NJ…

California’s long-anticipated market-based sourcing “guidance” is finally out. Legal Ruling No. 2022-01 provides the Franchise Tax Board’s take on how to find the market in certain business-to-business sales. Though the guidance emphasizes that a seller should look to where its direct customer receives the benefit of sales of services, it keeps with current market-based sourcing trends amongst states and directs taxpayers to source such receipts based on the location of the taxpayer’s customer’s customer. The…